The Barn Door: I Miss Cows

cowI hope I don’t offend any animal lovers with this recent post from The Barn Door about my early days as a farmer. Just keeping it real. Click to read the whole post to get my drift.

I wish all humans and all animals could live together without fighting and strife and, you know, eating each other. Until that happens, though, I admit that I’m glad the sirloin and ground chuck and ribs I pick up at the supermarket are strangers to me now. And while my mother might think it was heartless to butcher and baste Big Brown, he does have a fond place in my memories.

via The Barn Door: I Miss Cows.


The Art of NOT Writing

It’s been a while since I posted any writing quotes, which is reflective of how I’ve been procrastinating on finishing A Bull by the Horns, too.  So I thought these quotes seem particularly appropriate today:

john-creasey-sml1Nine out of ten writers, I am sure, could write more. I think they should and, if they did, they would find their work improving even beyond their own, their agent’s, and their editor’s highest hopes.

John Creasey
English crime and science fiction writer


With sixty staring me in the face, I have developed inflammation of the sentence structure and a definite hardening of the paragraphs.

James Thurber
American cartoonist, author, journalist, playwright



I went for years without finishing anything.  Because, of course, when you finish something you can be judged.

Erica Jong
American author and teacher

An Awesome Autumn Afternoon

Here’s an update on how the In Print Word of Art reception went last night. Great art, great writing, great fun!

Debra R. Borys

wpid-cam00720.jpg Artwork by Kathy Baker

Yesterday’s In Print Word of Art reception was a great kick off for an awesome autumn.  And I’m  not just saying that because my piece, An Autumn Afternoon, was one of five finalists selected by writer/publisher John Gile from the thirty stories on display. The event went off without a hitch, the room filled to the brim with artists, writers, family and friends.

All of the artwork and accompanying stories or poems were displayed artistically on the walls of the Celebration Room of Emmanuel Lutheran Church and authors and artists were able to read and/or talk about their entries to a packed room. Refreshments were served and there was an opportunity to buy books and have them signed by the participants. The event was sponsored by In Print in cooperation with the Center for Arts and Spirituality and Art@Emmanuel.


An Autumn Afternoon

The orchard smells…

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