And the Winner Is!

Chasing Nightmares CoverMy Goodreads contest for two print copies of Chasing Nightmares is over and the winners selected.  593 people entered–woohoo! And over 250 people added it to their To Read List!  I’d say the contest was a success.

I will be mailing the books to Sharon in Springfield, IL and Cayla in Astoria OR this week.  I can’t wait to hear what they think of the book.

Thanks to everyone who entered and for all the support you have shown.  Happy holidays!

Win a Print Copy of Chasing Nightmares

I have set up a Giveaway on Goodreads to give people in the U.S. or Canada a chance to win one of two (that’s 2!) print copies.

Contest starts at midnight tonight, November 15, and runs through midnight December 15.

Good luck!  I hope you win!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Chasing Nightmares by Deb Donahue

Chasing Nightmares

by Deb Donahue

Giveaway ends December 15, 2013.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Dr. Charles Levine despises his younger half-brother with a hate that even death can’t destroy. So why should he let Gordon’s demise prevent him from exacting revenge? His weak-minded nephew, who resembles his father in so many ways, would serve Charles’ purpose perfectly.

With romance, suspense, and a touch of madness, Chasing Nightmares tells the tale of Anne and Lee as they struggle to conquer the terrors that have haunted their dreams since childhood. Terrors that Charles exploits with finesse and specially concocted pharmaceuticals.

Will Anne’s nyctophobia keep her from saving herself and Lee from the Doctor’s insane plans? Can Lee escape the yoke of addiction his uncle keeps pressing upon him? Or will their nightmares become their reality and devour them in the darkness?

“A very Edgar Allen-like type of story: creepy with a touch of madness.”

“Whooh! That was one roller coaster of a ride!”